Family, Humor, Psychology, Life

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


In four minutes I will be 25. Gathering my thoughts...3 minutes.

Isn't it funny how traditions are born? Every year, on the same day we bring out with fanfare our dearest traditions in order to make that moment, day or time of year all the more special. (1 minute left to go.) One such cherished tradition in my immediate family are Brithday Mornings. Whether or not we had school, or my parents only managed several hours sleep, the whole family would traipse into the birthday girl's bedroom to wake us up with a heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday" and a treat with a candle perched atop. Even through my obnoxious teenage years, I always remembered to leave my bedroom door unlocked on my birthday eve.

This morning I woke up extra early, not because it's traditionally a day of celebration (for which I am sure there will be none) but because I had a make-up exam to do at 7:30am. So I quietly let myself into the master bathroom and turned on the closet light, so as not to disturb the snoring and surely evil dreams of...Granny.

"What do ju tink ju are doing?" she sleepily roared.

"Getting ready for school."

" At dis time? I haben't taken a chower yet." Crap, I wanted to straighten my hair and forgot she detests others taking a shower before she does. Whatever that's all about.

"Okay, well, no problem go ahead." I did not want a problem at 5:30am (wait... isn't she supposed to be on her way to work already? hahaha).

"What ju doing so early?"

"I have to be at school early today remember?"

"Ju chould hab been taking one las night." Quick Ashley think pacifying...

"You're right, I wasn't thinking." As I headed toward the kitchen, she was still grumbling something. Ungrateful. Inconsiderate. Selfish.

I must've been dreaming when I imagined well-wishes on my Birthday from Granny. And as a matter of fact, last night I did; perhaps because I suppose my subconscience knew I wouldn't get them.

And so today on this day I remember bittersweetly the days of my youth and that sweet tradition that I cling onto for comfort's sake. Whether or not I expect it now, it doesn't matter, because I know that somewhere down the line, I'll be carrying on that time-honored tradition to my own very special children.